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How To Block Certain Subreddits

How To Block Certain Subreddits

How To Block Certain Subreddits: A Comprehensive Guide


In the age of the internet, almost everyone has heard of Reddit. Reddit is a huge online forum where users can interact, discuss, and share content on virtually any topic. But as with any online platform, content moderation is necessary to keep it running smoothly. For Reddit users, this means that they can block certain subreddits to prevent unwanted content from appearing in their feed. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on how to block certain subreddits.

What is a Subreddit?

A subreddit is a forum dedicated to a particular topic or theme. It is a subdivision of the Reddit website that allows users to post and comment on content related to a specific topic. Each subreddit is identified by a unique name and is home to a community of users who post and comment on content relevant to the subreddit’s topic.

Why Block Certain Subreddits?

There are several reasons why Reddit users may want to block certain subreddits. The most common reason is to avoid seeing content that is inappropriate or offensive. Some subreddits may contain content that is not suitable for all audiences, such as offensive language, graphic images, or controversial topics. Blocking these subreddits can also be an effective way to limit distractions and stay focused on the task at hand.

How to Block Certain Subreddits

Fortunately, it’s easy to block certain subreddits on Reddit. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Open Reddit

First, open Reddit in your web browser. Log into your account if you’re not already logged in.

Step 2: Select Your Profile Icon

Next, select your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. This will open a dropdown menu.

Step 3: Select "Preferences"

From the dropdown menu, select “Preferences.” This will open the Reddit settings page.

Step 4: Select "Blocked Subreddits"

On the left-hand side of the page, select the “Blocked Subreddits” option. This will open the list of subreddits you have blocked.

Step 5: Add Subreddits to Block List

To add a subreddit to your block list, enter the subreddit’s name in the “Add a Subreddit” box and click “Block.” You can also unblock subreddits from this list.

Step 6: Save Changes

Once you’ve added or removed subreddits from your block list, click “Save Changes” to apply the changes.


Blocking certain subreddits is an effective way to keep unwanted content out of your Reddit feed. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily block or unblock subreddits to customize your Reddit experience.

How To Block Specific Subreddits
How To Block Specific Subreddits
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